Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Qu extranjeros no pueden ajustar su estatus

Qu extranjeros no pueden ajustar su estatus El ajuste de estatus significa que un extranjero que se encuentra ya en Estados Unidos puede adquirir la tarjeta de residencia - tambiã ©n conocida como green card-sin necesidad de salir del paã ­s. En este artã ­culo se explica quã © personas extranjeras no pueden ajustar su estatus y, finalmente, cules child las consecuencias de ello (que pueden ser muy malas). Pero no a tasks los extranjeros se les permite beneficiarse del ajuste de estatus Quiã ©nes no pueden beneficiarse del ajuste de estatus En groundwork lugar, los extranjeros que ingresaron en estados unidos con una visa de tripulaciã ³n o trabajador de cruceros C1/D. En segundo lugar, los migrantes que entraron al paã ­s sin pasar por el control de Inmigraciã ³n y, por lo tanto, sin haber sido admitidos o parole. Lo principal de este punto es entender que las personas que llegan an Estados Unidos despuã ©s de cruzar ilegalmente la frontera no podrn en el futuro obtener una tarjeta de residencia mediante un ajuste de estatus. Ni siquiera en los casos en los que se casen con ciudadanos americanos o tengan hijos mayores de 21 aã ±os en este paã ­s. En tercer lugar, los extranjeros que han trabajado en Estados Unidos sin estar autorizados por no tener permiso de trabajo o visa que les permita laborar. Si el USCIS tiene conocimiento de que se ha trabajado, denegar la peticiã ³n de ajuste de estatus. En cuarto lugar, las personas que ingresaron an Estados Unidos con una visa no inmigrante y no la han mantenido. Por ejemplo, un turista que se quedã ³ ms tiempo del permitido (turistas con visa, mirar el I-94). Esta persona no podr ajustar su estatus excepto cuando se trate del esposo/a, madre/padre, viudo/an o hijo/a soltero menor de 21 aã ±os de un ciudadano americano. En este punto resaltar que la persona con visa no inmigrante que la deja expirar y se casa con un residente permanente no podr beneficiarse del ajuste de estatus. En estos casos la opciã ³n es esperar hasta que el cã ³nyuge residente se convierta en ciudadano por naturalizaciã ³n o, en el caso de que la estadã ­a ilegal ocean menor a los 180 dã ­as, salir del paã ­s e iniciar un proceso consular de peticiã ³n de recognizable. La espera podr ser larga. En quinto lugar, los titulares de una visa de intercambio J-1 o J-2.Cuando se les acaba las visas, estas personas deben salir de Estados Unidos por un periodo de dos aã ±os, a menos que se les conceda un perdã ³n o excepciã ³n conocida como waiver. En sexto lugar, los extranjeros que llegaron an Estados Unidos sin visado por pertenecer an un paã ­s acogido al Programa de Excenciã ³n de Visas. Estas personas pueden estar en el paã ­s un mximo de 90 dã ­as y no pueden ni extender su estadã ­a ni solicitar una visa. Deben necesariamente salir. La à ºnica excepciã ³n es cuando se solicita un ajuste de estatus a su nombre por ser el esposo o la mujer o el viudo/a de un ciudadano americano o forebear o hijo soltero menor de 21 aã ±os de un estadounidense. En sã ©ptimo lugar, las personas que llegaron al paã ­s con una visa K-1 por ser el prometido/a de un ciudadano. Y los hijos de aquellos que tienen una K-2, cuando no se celebra el matrimonio con el estadounidense que solicitã ³ el visado en los 90 dã ­as siguientes su ingreso en Estados Unidos. Quedarse sin casarse es una violaciã ³n migratoria. Y en octavo lugar, los extranjeros con visas An, E o G o que tengan profesiones que les permitirã ­an tenerlas. Si bien se admiten excepciones por lo que las personas en esta categorã ­a deberã ­an consultar con un abogado o un representante acreditado. Por quã © es tan importante poder ajustar el estatus El ajuste de estatus es importante por dos razones: Ahorra dinero, al poder obtener la residencia sin necesidad de salir de EEUU.Evita que entre en aplicaciã ³n el castigo de los tres y diez aã ±os para las personas que han estado ilegalmente en Estados Unidos por ms de 180 dã ­as. Y aquã ­ est su gran importancia. Por ejemplo, si un inmigrante cruza ilegalmente la frontera y despuã ©s de unos aã ±os se casa de buena fe con un ciudadano y tiene hijos nacidos en este paã ­s se encuentra con un gran problema. En teorã ­a puede obtener los papeles porque su esposo/a ciudadano le puede pedir. Y, de hecho, la parte inicial de los trmites se va an aprobar. El problema aparece cuando le dicen que no puede ajustar su estatus y que tiene que salir de Estados Unidos y una vez fuera seguir la tramitaciã ³n en un consulado americano.Y ahã ­ le aplican el castigo de los tres y diez aã ±os. Y no siempre va a ser posible pedir un perdã ³n. Y aã ºn cuando fuera posible, no siempre se consigue. Y aã ºn consiguiã ©ndolo, se demora y hace que las familias estã ©n separadas por mucho tiempo. Por ello, si se est en una situaciã ³n en la que no se puede ajustar el estatus o se tiene dudas, bets de meter los papeles en Inmigraciã ³n es muy recomendable consultar con un abogado y tener muy claro cules child las opciones. Perdã ³n En algunos casos es posible pedir un perdã ³n para asã ­ poder obtener la green card. Adems, en los casos muy especã ­ficos de familiares inmediatos de ciudadanos que estn en USA y sã ³lo tienen el problema de que estn aquã ­ ilegalmente, verificar si se puede calificar para el perdã ³n temporary I-601A. Este es un artã ­culo informativo. No es asesorã ­a lawful.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Take What You Get :: Personal Narrative Baseball Friendships Papers

Take What You Get I despised both my last day of school in Hopkinton and my first day of school in Sherborn. My mom drove me to my new school in our fresh out of the box new white Volvo station wagon. The ride from our home to the school appeared to be a lot shorter than it really was. Thinking back on it, whenever I’ve reluctantly voyaged some place, the vehicle ride appeared to be amazingly short. I recollect the station wagon climbing the long, winding slope that prompted Pine Hill Elementary school. As I watched the trees and fields pass, I envisioned that the vehicle hadn’t passed by them. In my brain, I was still back in my new trundle bed at home. My mother realized I was nearly tears, and she was continually moving her hand to and fro between the car’s stick move and my knee. All the children are going to adore you, she stated, tapping my leg. Mrs. Smith is so eager to have you in her group. I couldn’t much gather a reaction. I imagined Mrs. Smith constraining me to stand up before the class, requesting that I tell the children my name and what I jumped at the chance to do. At that point I saw the children chuckling when I separated in tears, unfit to offer them a response, or simply murmur a couple of words about myself. I couldn’t even react to my own mom. Nectar, it’s alright to be apprehensive. Recall that I’ll pick you at 3:15. You don’t need to take the transport this evening. She left the vehicle and held my hand as we strolled up the means to the school’s entrance. I was wearing blue shorts, a terrible decision since they were excessively short and uncovered my pale, tubby legs. The stroll with the head and my mom down the long, void halls was what at long last did it for me. I had been attempting my hardest to keep down the tears, driving myself to think about the day's end, when my mom would be sitting tight for me. However, the study hall was getting excessively close. I could detect it by the manner in which the chief eased back his pace and floated to the correct side of the hallway. I felt the tears under my eyes, however I didn’t care enough to wipe them away with my arm. Welcome to Pine Hill, Mrs. Smith said.

Friday, August 21, 2020

Are You Opening a Bank Account with Bad Credit Heres What You Need to Know

Are You Opening a Bank Account with Bad Credit Heres What You Need to Know Are You Opening a Bank Account with Bad Credit? Heres What You Need to Know Are You Opening a Bank Account with Bad Credit? Heres What You Need to KnowWhile a bad credit score wont prevent you from opening a checking account, similar poor money habits with previous bank accounts could pose a problem.We’re not going to tell you that having a bank account is absolutely necessary. If you’re the type who prefers stuffing your money into mattresses and keeping most of your wealth in the form of precious metals buried in the backyard, all the more power to you.But for most people, maintaining a checking account is a financial cornerstone. Without a bank account to hold onto your money, you end up spending money at check cashing stores just to access your funds, and relying on cash payments or costly wire transfers just to pay your bills!If you have bad credit and need to open a checking account, you probably have a lot of questions. (That’s why we’re writing this blog post!). Bad credit can restrict your access to important financial products like personal loans and credit cards, but will it do the same for checking accounts? You can open a checking account with bad credit.Let’s start with the good news. Having a poor credit score will not prevent you from opening a bank account.Your credit score is taken from information on your credit reports, documents that track your history as a borrower, and are compiled by the three major credit bureaus: Experian TransUnion and Equifax. The most common type of credit score is the FICO score, which is scored on a scale of 300 to 850. The higher your score, the better your credit.Your FICO score is, indeed, used by traditional lending institutions like banks and other personal lenders to determine whether or not to lend to you, but it isnt used when you apply for a checking or savings account.With a lousy score, you’ll be stuck borrowing no credit check loans (like payday loans and cash advances). But you’ll still be able to open a checking account … probably.Bad credit behavior could hu rt your ChexSystems score.Okay, here’s the bad news. While banks don’t use credit scores with checking account applications, they do use something very similar, oftentimes from ChexSystems, one of several national consumer reporting  agencies that track  your banking history. Banks use them (or one of their competitors like Telecheck or Early Warning System) for checking account applications just like they use FICO scores and credit reports for loans and credit cards.Not only does Chexsystems produce a Consumer Disclosure Report, they even produce a Chexsystems Consumer Score that’s graded on a scale from 100 to 899. If your score is too low, your application for a checking account will be denied. The bank will look at your banking history and decide that you simply pose too great a risk!And what kind of behavior is considered “bad” when it comes to banking? Well, it’s stuff like bank overdrafts, bouncing checks, and racking up bank fees and then not paying them. Behavio r like this points to a customer who is not using their bank account in a responsible manner.Luckily, a bad Chexsystems Consumer Score is not permanent. Information remains on your Consumer Disclosure Report for five years before dropping off entirely. Five years of good banking behavior (or at least no bad behavior) and you’ll be all set.But what if you don’t want to wait five years to open a checking account?Open a second chance checking account.Folks with a bad credit score are still able to take out a loan. Sure, it might come with a much higher interest rate andâ€"in the case of a payday loan, cash advance, or title loanâ€"trap them in a dangerous cycle of debt, but it’s still a loan that they can get approved for.Similarly, people with a bad ChexSystems Consumer Score can still apply for a checking account. Many banks offer “second chance” checking accounts that give people with lousy banking history the chance to make good. You should also check out your local credi t union, as many of them offer second chance checking as well.But just like those higher interest rates for bad credit loans, second chance checking accounts come with more fees and restrictions than traditional bank accounts, and they also offer far fewer perks.In order to get a second chance checking account, you will almost certainly have to pay a monthly maintenance fee. And the account might also come with additional requirements like maintaining a minimum balance or having direct deposit. Plus, you still might not get a debit card with the account or be able to use it for online bill pay.But here’s the best reason by far to use a second chance checking account: Many of them come with graduation plans. That means that using the account responsibly for one to two years will get you upgraded to a regular checking account ahead of schedule. That’s fantastic!Take care of your Chexsystems Consumer Score.Even if you can graduate to a regular checking account by starting with a se cond chance account, you should still take care of your ChexSystems Consumer Score. In fact, you should treat it the same way that you treat your regular credit score.First things first: order a free copy of your Consumer Disclosure Report. (By law they have to provide you with one free copy every year upon request.) You can request a copy on ChexSystems’  website or you can contact them by phone at (800) 428-9623.Next, read over your report so that you can get a clear idea of where you went wrong. If you have any unpaid fees or charges, pay them! If you can’t pay all of what you owe, try negotiating for a lower amount. And make sure that the financial institution in question updates their records with Chexsystems once the charge is paid off!Lastly, make sure to check for errors. If you find one, contact Chexsystems to have it corrected. After you’ve gathered the proper documentation, go to the  Dispute section of Chexsystems’ website for more information. They should send y ou a resolution within 30 days. You can also dispute the info directly with your (likely former) financial institution and have them update ChexSystems.Bad credit means living in a world with strict financial limits. And while it’s a great thing that checking accounts still lie within those limits, never forget the following: The kinds of poor money habits that cause bad credit are the same kinds of habits that can cost you a checking account.To learn more about living life with bad credit, check out these related posts from OppLoans:Can You Have Bad Credit Even With a Good Income?No Credit Card? Here Are 6 Ways You Can Still Fix Your Credit ScoreHow Bad Credit Can Affect Your UtilitiesIt’s True: Bad Credit Can Mean Paying More for Car InsuranceWhat other questions do you have about bad credit? We want to hear from you! You can find us  on  Facebook  and  Twitter.

Sunday, May 24, 2020

Sociology Of The Family Class - 947 Words

This Sociology of the Family class has been an eye-opening experience. My views of the United States have been impacted by an objective comparison of their policies to those of other nations. I have learned that my own experiences growing up impacted me beyond how they did directly at the time they happened. Finally, the most dramatic of all was seeing how my own socialization has impacted the way I viewed the world. It is not unusual for a patriotic American to say that the United States is the â€Å"greatest country in the world.† An unbiased view of the policies of the US as compared to those of other countries might contradict that opinion. The teenage birthrate is the highest of all the developed nations, including twice as high as Canada and the UK and 12 times as high as Japan (Seccombe, 2012). Policies in the United States concerning family are grossly under supportive when compared to those in Sweden, France, or Norway (Seccombe, 2012). Ideas of the â€Å"Amer ican Dream† are sadly diminished when one views the facts in relation to social mobility- it is unlikely that one will simply â€Å"pull themselves up by their bootstraps† to become a billionaire after being raised in a economically poor family. The events of our childhood impact us in ways that neither we nor our parents had imagined. Children of divorce suffer from long term effects, including depression, fear of commitment, and/or behavioral problems (Seccombe, 2012). Children who are spanked also have beenShow MoreRelatedA Study Of Human Social Relationships And Organisations Essay1691 Words   |  7 Pagesthis topic. The department of Sociology Unc (2016) indicates sociology is the study of human social relationships and organisations. Sociology can range from crime to religion it is a very diverse subject. It refers to the family to the state, diversity of race and social class to the beliefs in common cultures. 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WHAT I LEARNED Two topics within this sociology course stood out to me: the sociological function of the family and theRead MoreSociology Is The Study Of Social Behavior969 Words   |  4 PagesSociology is the study of social behavior. Social behavior has to deal with a society, its development, organizations, and networks. Poverty, the struggling middle class, education and social mobility, inequality,  social class and the health care system, are also important aspects of sociology. In class, we are currently discussing social class. Social class is a division of a society that is heavily based upon social and economic status. In the United States, there are many cases in which povertyRead More Karl Marx Essay1742 Words   |  7 Pagesphilosopher stands out amongst the crowd, and that person is named Karl Marx (1818-1883). In this essay I aim to explore and critically assess his ideas, theories, and studies in his contribution to sociology, and if his ideas, theories and studies are useful t o this contribution to sociology. Sociology began in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries in Western Europe. Around this time, the political and economic systems in Europe were changing. Things like the Monarchy, (which was the rule ofRead MoreSociological And Common Sense Understanding1341 Words   |  6 PagesIntroduction to Sociology Throughout this essay, I will explain the distinction between sociological and common sense understanding, highlight the differences between sociology and other social sciences, and evaluate two sociological perspectives – Marxism and feminism. Sociology is the scientific study of human society. It examines the development of social structures, and the interaction between these structures and human behaviour. Sociologists aim to provide tools of understanding the processRead MoreSociology Is The Scientific Study Of Society And Human Behavior895 Words   |  4 Pagesto the Marriam Webster dictionary, the simple definition of sociology is â€Å"the study of society, social institution, and social relationships. Based on the textbook, â€Å"sociology is the scientific study of society and human behavior† (G-6). Through the two definitions, one can deduce that the study of Sociology is a discipline that explains and analysis the human culture in terms of their social relationships and social institutions. Sociology is a study that explains the social world which human beingsRead More4.Sociology Is The Study Of Society Using Empirical Investigation,1072 Words   |  5 Pages4. Sociology is the study of society using em pirical investigation, data analysis, and assessment of theory to explore social life. It is also the study of societies influence on a person and the world around them. Sociology is one of the social sciences – disciplines that examine the human or social world. In summary, sociology is the study of human groups and societies, giving emphasis to analysis of the cultures and subcultures of the industrialized world. There are many social factors to sociologyRead MoreGramsciS Approach To Ideology Proposes That Oppressed1544 Words   |  7 PagesGramsci s approach to ideology proposes that oppressed classes condone the ideas, values and authority of the hegemonic class because they limited motive to establish their own (Strinati, 1995). Gramsci’s contribution to ideology is noted due to the lack of force and focused on intellectual power. However, Gramsci fails to acknowledge that the working class work extremely long labour hours and do not have the opportunity to dis cuss their oppositional views with a group. Yet, Gramsci’s commentary

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Definition of a Post-Industrial Society

A post-industrial society is a stage in a societys evolution when the economy shifts from producing and providing goods and products to one that mainly offers services. A manufacturing society is comprised of people working in construction, textiles, mills and production workers whereas, in the service sector, people work as teachers, doctors, lawyers, and retail workers. In a post-industrial society, technology, information, and services are more important than manufacturing actual goods. Post-Industrial Society: Timeline A post-industrial society is born on the heels of an industrialized society during which time goods were mass-produced utilizing machinery. Post-industrialization exists in Europe, Japan, and the United States, and the U.S. was the first country with more than 50 percent of its workers employed in service sector jobs. A post-industrial society not only transforms the economy; it alters society as a whole. Characteristics of Post-Industrial Societies Sociologist Daniel Bell made the term post-industrial popular  in 1973 after discussing the concept in his book The Coming of Post-Industrial Society: A Venture in Social Forecasting. He described the following shifts associated with post-industrial societies: Production of goods (like clothing) declines and the production of services (like restaurants)  goes up.Manual labor jobs and blue collar jobs are replaced with technical and professional jobs.Society experiences a shift from focusing on practical knowledge to theoretical knowledge. The latter involves the creation of new, invention solutions.There is a focus on new technologies, how to create and utilize them as well as harness them.New technologies foster the need for new scientific approaches like IT and cybersecurity.Society needs more college graduates with advanced knowledge who can help develop and advance technological change. Post-Industrial Societal Shifts in the U.S. About 15 percent of the labor force (only 18.8 million Americans out of a workforce of 126 million) now works in manufacturing compared to 26 percent 25 years ago.Traditionally, people earned status and gained and privilege in their society through inheritance which could be a family farm or business. Today education is the currency for social mobility, particularly with the proliferation of professional and technical jobs. Entrepreneurship, which is highly valued, generally requires a more advanced education.The concept of capital was, until fairly recently, considered mainly to be financial capital gained through money or land. Human capital is now the more important element in determining the strength of a society. Today, thats evolved into the concept of social capital -- the extent to which people have access to social networks and subsequent opportunities.Intellectual technology (based on math and linguistics) is at the forefront, utilizing algorithms, software programming, sim ulations and models to run new high technology.The infrastructure of a post-industrial society is based on communication whereas the infrastructure of industrial society was transportation.An industrial society features a labor theory based on value, and industry develops proceeds with the creation of labor-saving devices which substitute capital for labor. In a post-industrial society, knowledge is the basis for invention and innovation. It creates added value, increases returns and saves capital.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Rape in India Free Essays

Rape in India Brittany Jones As a woman in the United States, rape is the ultimate nightmare, but to women in India it’s everyday life. Many rape victims’ stories just show how the police in India fail to respond adequately to crimes, especially crimes involving children or women. On February 14th, three girls that were five, nine, and 11 were raped and murdered in the village of Lakhni, India. We will write a custom essay sample on Rape in India or any similar topic only for you Order Now When the girl’s grandfather reported the girls missing to the police nothing was done about it. After two days, the girls were found dead in an old water well. The bodies were reported as â€Å"accidental† deaths. Nobody took any notice to the girl’s deaths until protestors blocked a national highway in uproar of the police inaction. When a television reporter from CNN arrived in the village on Thursday, the girl’s mother said: â€Å"The first day when we filed the complaint [about the girls disappearing], the police didn’t act on it. Had they looked for the girls, my girls would have been found. This is nothing but negligence. † The government offered the family about one million rupees (currency) in compensation for their losses. After the offer the mother said â€Å"No amount of money is going to bring my girls back. I appeal to the government to catch the culprits and hang them. † This case is a prime example of the corruption and negligence of the justice system and the government as a whole in India. In the Indian culture women and children are not looked upon as equals to men. This relates to authoritarian personality, the police aren’t handling the situations as abruptly as they would if the case were related to men rather than women or children. Theodor Adnoro concluded that highly prejudice people have deep respect for authority and are submissive to authority figures, especially in matters of religion or sex (Adorno et al. 1950). They concluded that are more of like possessions or something to own instead of human beings. It was only after a mob of people shut down a highway that people actually started to care about what happened to those little girls. Another example of the negligence of the Indian government is when a young girl was brutally ang raped on a bus in Delhi, the government promised better policing and faster legal action to protect women inside their homes and outside in the public. While lawmakers prepared to discuss a new law against sexual offense, they tried to keep the news of the recent rape and murder of three young girls on the down low. It was soon after that people took it into their own hands by rioting and blocking the national highway until they were promised a proper investigation. For a rape c rime, capital punishment (the death penalty) is the most extreme measure the state takes. However, it’s shown that the death penalty isn’t administered evenly. Geography wise it can change your sentence just by where you are when you kill someone. It also can affect the punishment you receive. Another death penalty dependent would be your social class. For instance, it’s very rare that someone of much wealth will be sentenced to death. They may rather receive time with just some fines that they can easily afford anyways. Gender is another big bias with the death penalty. It’s said to be unheard of for women to be sentenced to death, let alone actually be executed. Statistics show that women commit 9. 6% of the murders, but they make up 1. 8% of death row inmates (Sourcebook of Criminal Justice Statistics 2009). On 3 February 2013, after the public made their voices heard about the brutal rape in Delhi, the Indian Government was forced to pass an ordinance which applied the death penalty in cases of rape that leads to death or leaves the victim in a â€Å"persistent vegetative state†. Although the death sentence is very rarely used in India they do believe in the death penalty because they feel it doesn’t involve torture, humiliation, or degrading of oneself. It’s usually carried out by hanging, even when upheld on appeal. In Ohio today the punishments for rape are somewhat different than they are in India. The rape of a young child 13 and under could be served a sentence of up to life. However, unlike India the term is expected to be served rather than the convicted just being executed, or in India’s views, hung. I personally feel that rape is a very serious crime and it’s something that can also affect someone for the rest of their lives. Reading about India and how lightly they take rape crimes just affles me. I can’t imagine what the mother of these three little girls was going through, especially with the police having no interest in the fact that her daughters were missing. It’s sad to think that someone could be so heartless to not care about little girls being brutally raped and murder, however I’m sure had it been the police forces children it would have been a whole different story. Peop le these days are not only bias but they tend to care only about their selves and ignore the feelings of others. I’m from a small community where everyone knows everyone and everyone is willing to lend a helping hand. When someone in our town were to die the entire community would come together to help, even if it was just giving their condolences. I realize however that India’s culture is very different than ours and not to mention the situations seem much more dangerous. Even though rape crimes seem to be a very frequent crime to them, you would think the police force would take a notice and try and stop this constant reoccurrence rather than ignore what’s happening. They are finally passing bills but why did it take a huge riot of the people for them to start taking action. Making the laws is just the first step; actually doing something to make them work is the hard part. They can make the laws but in order for things to change they’ll actually have to make it as big of a deal as it really is. Find the people, punish them, and make sure they know they’ll never harm another women or child again. This article was very interesting to read and it’s interesting to see what’s going on in other cultures today. I never would have imagined how lightly things like rape and murder can be handles, especially just because it’s children and women rather than men. It’s sad to think of all the prejudice and bias going on in our world today, and even worse to think that it will probably never end. India needs to make stricter laws and force the police field to do a better job. Reference Rahman, Maseeh â€Å"India: three girls raped and murdered, ages 5,9, and 11. † The guardian. 21 February 2013. http://www. guardian. co. uk/world/2013/feb/21/india-violence-rape-murder-girls How to cite Rape in India, Papers

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Music Macro Environment free essay sample

The different types of music that exist are often subject to a lot of discussions and used as Ice-breakers when meeting new people. It is hard to find somebody who does not like music at all, but the taste of music is often diverse and broad. This often depends not only on the gender of the people, but also on the age and what kind of music was popular when they were growing up and that they were exposed to a lot. Often, as can be seen In figure 2. 1, the music that the different generations like Is different. % of surveyed people said that they thought there was a major difference of music tastes throughout the generations. As figure 2. 2 shows these differences more closely. In the first two categories rock music has almost the same value, whereas the difference of the youngest generation compared to the oldest is clearest concerning rap or hip-hop tastes. 41 % of 16-29 year olds listen to rap music, whereas only 3% of the 50-64 year olds actually listen to it. Taking classical music as an example the complete opposite can be observed. Here, only 11 % of young people listen to it, whereas it is the second highest In he 65+ category.Taylor, 2009) Figure 2. [2] (Taylor, 2009) This is important for the music industry to know, as there is a change of generations in our society today. While the earths population is getting older and older, but not enough children are born, there might be a change in music Interests. However, It Is not empirically proven that as soon as one gets old, one automatically starts listening to classical or country music. The first category generation in the figure below, will most likely take their music tastes with them and the generation after that will probably have different tastes. RegulatoryIn the Netherlands, the law allows downloading. People can copy a CD, DVD etc. , but thats only for personal use. Watching a downloaded movie with a group of people is not allowed. Even though the downloading is legal, the use of it is sometimes illegal. (Mixed. Ml, 2004-2009) Stitching Brain is an anti-palace organization that fights for the rights of authors, publishers, performers, distributors and producers of music, film. Books etc. (BRAIN, 2011) In the Netherlands there is a music copyright organization called Bum/Stemma. It consists of two organizations: Bum association and StemmaFoundation. They each have their own board, but they have their meetings together. Music Is property of composers and writers. If people want to use their music, they have to pay for it. Bum/Stemma receives this money and gives it back to the affiliated music composers and writers. Bum/Stemma is founded to protect music copyright. When someone makes a new and original song, its his or her intellectual property. Music copyright needs to be covered by this concept of Intellectual property. Music authors have the right to exploit their music so that they can earn money.They have o give others permission to use their music. Music authors are allowed to ask for FIFO music. They can object someone who wants to change the music drastically or if someone uses their music in a movie that they think is dubious. The performing artists and the producers also have their rights. They can ask for compensation if someone else performs their song, if a song is involved when CDC and records are produced, and if their song is played on the radio. These rights remain for fifty years after the first performance or production. Music copyright remains until seventy ears after the death of the music author. (Bum/Stemma, n. D. ) According to section 13 of the Copyright Act, downloading of copyrighted digital content is like copying. Every form of downloading is making a copy. The right holder must give permission if someone wants to copy his content. Downloading is legal if someone wants to use it privately. It is regulated in sections bob and ICC of the Copyright Act. Consumers are allowed to download content from peer to peer networks, websites and social networks, without the permission of the right holder.Anyone is allowed to make a pop for private use only if it fulfills the following conditions: Firstly, the content must be made by natural persons and not by businesses, institutions or organizations. Secondly, the content may not be for direct or indirect commercial aim. Thirdly, the content must be only for private practice, study or use. Also, the number of copies is limited. (Hugged et al. 2009) Economic It is a truth universally acknowledged that a lot of people use peer-to-peer file sharing and illegal downloads to obtain wished albums or singles and one could wonder how this influences the music sector.In general, the change from the hysterical distribution to digital distribution can be observed clearly throughout the years. In 2006, 307 million Euros were made by selling CDC (could also contain Lips and tapes), whereas in 2011 it had declined by 7. 4 % to 201 million Euros. Ata closer look, one can see the biggest decline in the singles market where the total of sold singles only made a 1 million Euros profit. Compared to 5 years earlier, music videos also declined a lot; to 21 million Euros compared to 53 million 5 years earlier.There has also been a change with the albums, but not as radical as with the other two arts of the physical market. Even though the amount earned on albums in 2011 is almost half of what was made in 2005, it is safe to say that people still like having an actual physical thing in their hands. Figure 2. 3 (PricewaterhouseCoopers, 2009) As stated above, the opposite can be observed with the digital distribution. Compared to the start of the Internet era in 2005, the increase of music bought online is major. The sales went from 5 million Euros to 40 millions, which means an increase of 200%.This total is divided into two parts, namely the Internet and mobile phones. As stated in the chapter about the technological changes, not only the Internet has become more prominent, but the opportunities that phones now provide us with enable us to buy and download music through these mediums, too. This means that in 2011 10 million Euros were gained through purchases via mobile phones. (PricewaterhouseCoopers, 2009) Figure 2. 4 (PricewaterhouseCoopers, 2009) It should be noted that the fugues used from 2009 and further on are only New technology has been responsible for the growth of the music industry.First it was the LAP that everybody wanted, after the LAP the stereo dominated. A whole new market came to life with prerecorded cartridges and cassettes. But in the beginning of the 21st century, CDC dominated unit sales, leaving cassettes and Lips behind. But since the last four years, Internet is a big part of buying music. But it is not only buying music. Internet is also used for downloading the music illegally or only listening to the music on the Internet. (Cigarillos Scheme, 2003) The digitization of the consumption of music is still growing. The increase in the digital market is very important.Digitization has been influencing consumption, reduction, creation, distribution, and also the artist, record company, publisher, live entertainment and consumer. The behavior of the consumer has changed because of technologies. Because of digitization, there is more globalization. The Dutch music industry benefits from the economies of scale of countries like the United States and Great Britain, who have been very successful internationally. Long tail and niche markets are easily accessible and inexpensive. Digital files are 2417 on demand available for the consumer.Upcoming talent can upload tracks. The costs for the reduction of digital recordings are much lower. Retail costs can be saved by direct sale to consumers (online stores, download portals, artists websites) and online selling (tracks, CDC, DVDs, rhinestones, realtors, wallpapers, tickets, merchandise). Internet distribution is almost for free and environmentally friendly because products dont have to be transported. Promotion can also be used in a cheaper and easier way (social media, blobs, e-marketing). More and more artists are actively using international digital opportunities.They launch themselves through social outworks such as Youth, Twitter, Faceable, Linked. The fans can Just as well be living abroad. Through these social networks, fan sites and music sites, the consumer is accessible. There is new and direct contact. The consumer has opportunities for individualizing and customizing (buy individual tracks, make playbills, make CDC with their own personal choice of music, upload their own content or participate in a co-production). Foreign music is already available, fans dont need to wait for the release in their own country.It is possible to experience digital performances bedposts, voodooist, audio or video streams). An active fan can provide promotion for the artist via the Internet. (Karaoke ; Fiction, 2009) Figure 2. 5. 1 (Exam, LILTS, 2007) Socio-cultural The music industry has a lot of targeted genres that appeal to different kind of people. Those genres often subdivide. For example, rock music can split into soft rock, pop rock, heavy metal, modern rock, alternative rock, industrial, techno, punk, aka and Jam bands. Music is one of the instances in which audiences are able to see and hear cultural products from outside the country.English pop and rock have had strong presence and influence since the sass. Its easier for musicians from the Netherlands and other countries to break into the biggest music market in the world, the US market, because they are able to use social media and the Internet. People have more access to listen to different genres. They dont have to rely on the radio or Figure 2. 5. 2 (Exam, LILTS, 2007) Lots of music has influences from earlier music. There is also a lot of music that is influenced by new sources of music such as African and Asian music. Many cultures have their own styles of classical music and popular music.